Conservatory Roof Blinds with no holes
Perfect Fit International Roof Blinds,
A blind system that allows the very latest roof blinds to be fitted without drilling a single hole in your very valuable conservatory roof. This latest evolution in Conservatory Roof Blinds allows the blind to be fully manufactured, tensioned and aligned in the factory, then clipped into position on site in less that 5 minutes, a huge time saving and allowing the company to control the amount of time the installers are subject to extreem working conditions.
The benefit to the customer is immence, no light strikes along the sides of the fabric, total coverage of the roof, including the little corner sections at the top and most importantly not a single hole is drilled into the roofing system, important because most modern conservatory roofs incude drainage channels along the inside of the UPVC.
Carlisle Blinds is the authorised Louvorlite Manufacturer and Installer of the system in North Cumbria and South West Scotland, with prices better than any of the nationals, the only problem is we are so busy throughout the summer manufacturing them, so a longer delivery time than the usual 2 weeks is often quoted.